Feedback Form
Got any cool ideas? This is your chance to expand to how you envision it! Leave some ideas below and we'll try our best to implement them! (If not already!)
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What's your Discord Tag? *
(For credit or clarifications)
What's your OS Username? *
(For credit)
What idea would you like to see on the site? *
If you have multiple, just list them out.
Where do you think this should be placed on the site?
Leave empty if non-applicable.
How long have you been using ClarionCorp? *
How much do LEADERBOARDS matter to you?
(This is only talking about the full 10,000 players for each region, not what we have currently.)
Don't care
Really care
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How much does MATCH HISTORY matter to you?
Don't care
Really care
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Which site do you use/prefer more?
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For the above question, why?
If you've shared either the video or the form with anyone, please provide their names here. <3
(Thank you)
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