Frequently Asked Questions

Who is currently working on
Currently there are two of us: blals, and lukimana.
How can I contribute?
If you have an understanding of React or NextJS, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via
There's a new update out! When is XYZ getting added?
If there is ever a new update, we currently have to add everything manually. It should only be a few hours for everything to get added.
What are "Weighted Values" in my rating chart?
In order to visually display the specific categories for both Goalies and Forwards, each category has a 'weight' attached to it. This makes things like scores 'heavier' for goalies since they don't get them often— and saves lighter, since they get a ton. The same can be said for Forwards. Saves are weighted higher than scores or assists, and KO's are above all for both Forwards and Goalies.
Where can I request a feature?
You can submit a feature request by sending an email to Just mention your feature's function, where you think it should go, and what your discord tag is!
How do I use the API?
Unfortunately, our changes to the API are currently private. You can view the original here. If you have a special project, we may be open to working with you privately.
Where do I report bugs?
You can report bugs by sending us an email to Make sure to explain how to replicate the bug!
Why does this exist when Omega Stats exists?
This project was started before Omega Stats and has been a passion project for our team members. We still have features like norms stats, but we plan on expanding to more community-effort things in the future, in order to stay as a clearly different entity.